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Like its predecessors, Windows 8 is still prone to attacks that would compromise its system. But Windows 8 has a back up that will allow you to retain administrative rights. This account is an elevated local administrator account that has total control of your operating system‘s permission and access rights.
Enable Or Disable Built-in Administrator Account
Even in a compromised system, you can still run this account and authorize actions or programs in an already infected account. Consider this an emergency backup plan for when the unthinkable happens. Here’s how to enable your very own built-in administrator account on Windows 8 and 8.1.

Enabling Built-In Administrator Account

Firstly, you need to open the command prompt with administrator right Just press the Windows  key to open the metro interface and then type command prompt in the search box.
Search for CMD
Next, right-click on command prompt and Run it as administrator.
Run as Administrator
Copy this code net user administrator /active:yes and paste it in the command prompt. Then, press Enter to enable your built-in administrator account.
Enable Command Prompt
Once you’re done, you can access your built-in administrator account by logging off your current account anytime.
Login built-in administrator account
Do take note that you can’t change the name of the built-in administrator account; it will always stay as Administrator.

Disabling Built-In Administrator Account

Again, you have to open the command prompt with administrator rights. So, press the Windows key to open the metro interface and then and type command prompt in the search box.
Search for CMD
Next, right-click on command prompt and Run it as administrator.
Run as administrator
Open the command prompt with administrator right and type this code net user administrator /active:no in the command prompt. Then, press Enter to disable your built-in administrator account.
Disable Command Prompt

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