Archive for 2013-12-08

Create Main Menu in Visual Basic

 Have you ever wanted to create your own custom interface kind of like a Main Menu for something? Well this can be achieved using a handy piece of software called Visual Basic, in this program you can create programs that allows you to click on buttons, check boxes and have the program display text. Visual Basic can be downloaded off the internet but be warned some versions of it are not free.  This program is perfect if you are making a film and require any type of graphic interface to use as footage in your film.    

Step 1: Create New Form

 The first thing you need to do is create a new Form, the Form is the grey box that contains all the objects and code of your program. In the bottom right of the screen there is a list of properties for a selected object, in Visual basic its important to give objects a name that starts with the proper abbreviation; for Forms its "frm" then put the Form's actual name in this case "frmGame"  inside name box. 

Step 2: Add Objects

Now to create the interface you need to add objects to the Form. The toolbar on the left contains icons for all the objects you can add; for this particular program we will use three objects: Labels, Commands, Frames and Option buttons.

                      The icons for objects are as follows:
                      Labels = Capital A
                      Commands = Raised Square to bottom right of Capital A
                      Frames = Box with "XY" inside just below Capital A
                      Options = Circle with dot below Command button

To add the object to the form select the object you want then bring your cursor on to the form then click, hold and drag the cursor to achieve desired size. Place a Label at the top, a Frame below with all of your Option buttons inside of it, place another Label below that and two Commands at the bottom. Make sure to name your objects so that when you are coding the code will know what objects you are manipulating and be sure to use proper abbreviations to tell them apart (Labels: lbl, Commands: cmd, Frames: fra, Options: opt) To change the text of the objects go to the Caption box in the Properties bar to the right.  

Step 3: Coding

To input code for an object simply double click the object and the code window will open and you will see something like this:

                       Private Sub  *Object Name*_Click()
                       *Code goes here*                
                       End Sub  
        * Make sure not to alter these two lines of code!

But first we need to create a variable; a variable is a piece of code whose value can be changed during run time. For this program we are creating a Menu that displays text so we are going to be using STRING VARIABLES.  In the code window  at the top left there is a scroll list that should have the names of all your objects; scroll until you find one that says (General) and select it  and type:

                       Dim strMessage As String                     *Make sure to declare under (General)!                

Now double click each of your OPTION BUTTONS and input this code between the two lines:

                       strMessage = " *NAME HERE* "            

Double click on one of your COMMANDS that will become an exit button:

                       Unload *FORM NAME HERE*                 *Don't forget the form name!

Now double click your other COMMAND that will become a display or select button and input this code:

                       lblMessage.Caption = strMessage        *Don't forget the label name!

Step 4: Enjoy!

Now to run the program go to the tool bar at the top and press the START button which looks like a small blue arrow. If you followed all the steps properly it should look like the picture after running the program and selecting an option.  The program and the creation window are two separate windows so you can minimize everything else and just have the program running on screen. This simple program can be used to create a Custom Interface or Main Menu for almost anything; it's really useful if you need to incorporate something like it in a movie or presentation or anything that needs a cosmetic menu.  
Posted by Unknown

How to Program in C

Step 1: The Bash Shell

Step 2: The Parts of a C Program

Now that you have an idea of how to get around in bash it's time to learn about C programming. Let's begin by looking at that program I wrote in the bash tutorial video and break it down into it's separate pieces.

The "#include" statement is used to access lots of useful functions already written by other programmers for use in your own program. In this case the standard I/0 library is included. This is an essential library for most C programs because it deals with all the inputs and outputs of your program.

The declaration of the main function right after that has four parts:
1. int, which I will explain, is a variable type and is what the function main returns when it completes.
2. main which is the name of the function.
3. () means that it is not necessary to take in any inputs from the bash command line when the program runs. You can take in arguments here if you want to give users more options from the beginning.
4. Finally, the bracket signals the beginning of the main function's code. You will notice there is a closing bracket at the bottom that shows the end of the code block.

The printf() line in the code is what is called a function call. This is what it looks like when you use a function that is separate from your main function, either that you wrote or someone else wrote in a library. In this case printf() is a function from the stdio library and can handle lots of different arguments between the parentheses. "Hello!\n" as the argument results in printf() displaying on the screen Hello!
The \n part is a special character and it means newline. This makes sure the next thing displayed is on it's own line. I'll get into more detail of what you can give printf() as arguments later.

The return statement is required for all functions that have a type declared before the name like int main(). An int is an integer variable type. A whole number in other words. For main() returning an int 0 is signaling the programs completion to the OS. It technically is not required that you have this in main() because most compilers will compile your program correctly without it but in all other functions with a return type it is required that they return something.

Also notice that there is a semicolon at the end of every line of code. This is required so that the compiler clearly sees the end to each individual statement.

Step 3: Variables

If you are new to programming then let me quickly explain what a variable is. A variable in programming is a chunk in the computer memory that you can name almost whatever you like where you will store a value to be used later. In C there are a few different variable types. For example a char is the smallest chunk of memory being only a byte (or 8 bits in size) Note: this is where knowing how a computer works can come in handy but if you don't understand this part you will be fine learning the basics. A char is typically used to represent a character or letter. Although technically it is just a number in memory it is represented by a character using the ASCII standard. Again you don't necessarily need to know this. There is also Int, short, long, float and double.

A variable declaration (in other words naming and reserving the chunk of memory for the variable) looks like:

<Type> <Name>;
<Type> <Name> = <Initial Value>;

where type is int, char, short...

Step 4: If Statements

If statements are the way a programmer tells a computer to make a decision based on given conditions. This is one of the most powerful tools in programming. They can be used in limitless ways whether you are evaluating user input or checking if another process is done or you want to perform different actions based on the value of a single variable.

The syntax, or format, is:

if the <condition> between the parentheses is evaluated by the computer to be true then everything between those brackets after the if statement will be executed. Otherwise it will be skipped.

If you want to do something specific in the case that the condition is false you can do an else statement:


Useful things to know for conditions:
the condition can simply be a number. In this case C evaluates a 0 to be false and anything else is true.
you can use special operators to make conditionals:
a == b means is variable a equal to variable b
<some condition a> && <some condition b> means condition a and condition b both have to be true in order for the whole conditional to be true. (condition a and condition b)
<some condition a> || <some condition b> means only one of the conditions has to be true (condition a or condition b)
"!" means not. you can use this like a != b which translates to a not equal to b.
also you can use <,>,<=,>= which has the meaning less than, greater than, less than or equal to, and greater than or equal to.

Step 5: Loops

Loops are another very powerful tool in your programming arsenal. They are used when you want to repeat an action a certain number of times but you don't want to type out all the code. There are basic loops called while loops and for loops. While loops are a little easier:

All the same rules for conditionals apply here.
For example you could type while(1) and this would always be true and is called an infinite while loop.

for loops have three parts. a variable initialization, a condition and then an increment or decrement of that variable you initialize:

The increment of i you see in the last part is something I haven't mentioned yet. You can type any variable name, then ++ or -- to add 1 to the value or subtract one from the value.

Step 6: Printf()

Unlike the picture above printf() has nothing to do with actual printers. It is the function that prints messages to the user's screen not paper. I used this in the first example and now I will explain further how to use it. As well as printing out a simple message in quotes like the first example, one can also put variables in the print statement:
printf("The value of num is: %d\n", num);
%d is a placeholder in the print statement for an integer and whatever is put after the comma will have it's value inserted there. There are other placeholers like %c for char type. You can put as many as you want as long as there are enough variables after to fill them in and they go in order.
printf("%d %d %d", num, num1, num2);

Step 7: Scanf()

You guessed it, the scanner pictured above also isn't related to the scanf() function. This is another useful function given to you through the stdio library. It is helpful for reading user input. It's syntax is very similar to printf():
scanf("%d", &num);
The "&" is important and you have to have it in front of your variable for the value to be stored in it. This is due to a more advanced topic in C that I won't cover in this tutorial called pointers. This code looks for an integer entered and takes the first one and stores it in num. You can again put as many placeholders and variables as you like.

Step 8: Your Own Functions

You've seen all these functions. Now how do you write your own? Well the first thing you should know about your own functions is that they must either be written above the main function or if they are below, which is common practice, then they need to be declared above the main function. Like so:
void myFunction(int arg1, int arg2);
   ^                ^                  ^
type         name        parameters
void actually is a keyword that means this function doesn't actually return anything.
An example function would be:
char capitalize(char a){
return a-32;
this works due to the fact that char a is still a number and the ascii representation of it's capital letter is 32 away from it.
You can call this in your main function simply by typing:
letter being a char variable in your main function.

Step 9: Arrays

Arrays can be very useful. They are chunks in memory in which to store multiple variables right next to each other. The picture shows one way to initialize one if you know all the values you want to put in it. It also shows the array index below each value. To access a specific value later you type:
array1D[2] and this would be equal to 25. Notice the size of the array is 3 but the last element has an index of 2 because array indices start at 0. And of course you can have other type arrays like char. Char is very useful as an array because what you have then is a word or message.

Step 10: Comments and Documentation

The last thing I want to say about programming is that commenting and/or documenting your work is very important both for you and anyone else that may look at your code. To make a comment in your code which is text that will be ignored by the compiler you type:
//whatever comment
"//" will give you the whole line to make a comment. If you want multiple lines then:
This is very useful if you come back to some piece of your code and you can't remember how it works. The plain english comment can help a lot.
Posted by Unknown

How to make text appear as a “background” behind an element in Photoshop.

This instruction  will explain how to make text appear behind objects in a digital photo using Photoshop.

Step 1:

Drag a photo onto the Photoshop icon to open the image.

Step 2:

Click on text tool and choose the font, size or style for your text.

Step 3:

Click on the photo and type your text. This creates a new layer.

Step 4:

Move the text with the move tool to the location of your choice on the image. for this example, I chose to place the text along the boundary between the rocks and the water. My goal is to make the text appear as if it's behind the rocks.

Step 5:

If you want to change the font, size or style of the text, select the text layer in Layer Palette, select the text tool, and highlight the text now you can finalize the size. (Be sure your text treatment is finalized before moving to step 6.)

Step 6:

Now you have to click layer in the menu bar then select rasterize then click type.

Step 7:

Lower opacity to see through pictures.

Step 8:

Once you have your text positioned,you can use the lasso tool to select text areas that you want to remove.

Step 9:

(Make sure you're on the text layer) While holding the option button,you simply click at the spot in the document where you want to begin the selection of the text. , then continue holding your mouse button down and drag to draw a freeform selection outline,once you cut your text (delete & command D)

Step 10:

Repeat this process until all your text is deselected.
Posted by Unknown

Google Chrome VS Mozilla Firefox

Criteria for browser comparison

Apart from all the features that you can find information on all over the net there are a few key differences that mostly depend on who would be using the browser. 
Browser users can be divided into 3 types –Basic, Intermediate and advanced.
Should I use Chrome or Firefox chrome vs firefox

Basic users use Chrome

Basic browser users are those who are happy with basic functionality that comes bundled with any browser. All they really care about is browsing. If you are one of those then I would recommend Chrome for following reasons:

Chrome vs Firefox browser speed and response times

This is an easy choice. Chrome starts up quite quickly when compared to Firefox. Chrome has excellent response times, which means you do not have to wait for the browser to stop, load or restart. Chrome is generally good enough for basic users who are not techie but need something that works well all or most the time.

Intermediate users can use Chrome or Firefox

Intermediate users are those who like to customize their browsers with themes or plugins. These users could actually pick Chrome or Firefox depending on what customization they want and where its available. Lets look at various browser customizations available.

Firefox vs Chrome themes

Firefox has thousands of themes available. If you want a choice theme then you should use Firefox. 

Firefox vs Chrome title bar

If you compare Chrome and Firefox header or menu section you can notice that Chrome does not have a dedicated title bar. Chrome shows titles only in the individual tabs. Therefore if you want more reading space by default then go for Chrome as it does not have a top title panel like Firefox.

Advanced users should use Firefox

These users rely heavily on tools and techniques to meet their complex goals. This group mostly consists of web developers, SEO etc. This group likes to extend the basic functionality offered by the browsers. This extensibility is achieved via third part plugins.

Firefox vs Chrome extensibility

I belong to this group and have found plenty of “working” and aesthetically appealing plugins that greatly enhance the experience and reduce the overall web development time. Off course if you belong to this group you might already have all the browsers installed to test your project but when it comes to bug fixing, testing etc Firefox wins hands down. Therefore for users that would want maximum extensibility I would recommend Firefox.


If we look at the growth of browsers the chrome has gained a lot of market share recently. In future chrome might be better option for all users. But until all its bugs have been fixed and users have wider collection of plug-ins Firefox would be preferred.
Posted by Unknown
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